Board Governance Training
Our Board Governance solutions are designed to help you better understand the roles and responsibilities of board members, board governance principles, fund management, and more.
Does your board sometimes struggle to understand its role and responsibilities? Are you worried about making mistakes that could damage your organization? Perhaps you lack the training and experience to successfully manage your lending portfolio or understand financial reports. If you want to boost board confidence and get a better grasp on your financial viability, UpCloseTeam offers a variety of solutions to help you fulfill your mission.
Board Governance Solutions

5 Secrets to an Effective Board Meeting
In this training, Jon provides non-profit leaders with insight on how to plan and lead an effective meeting plus the importance of regular meeting performance review.

How to Protect Your Organization: Identify & Manage Risk
Does your board have an active Risk Management plan and process in place? How well is your organization doing in addressing and understanding unknown risk? In this short 3-part training series, Jon equips you with the tools required to help your board incorporate risk identification in management into its governance process.

Board Succession Planning: 8 Steps to Success
In this training series, Jon provides the 8 steps to succession planning success – steps that will save time and help your board proactively identify and recruit the right candidates to fill upcoming vacancies at the right time. And, following these steps will help your board to strengthen and position the organization for continued success.

Being an Effective Non-Profit Board Chair
Do you wonder about your rights as a board chair? Frustrated by not having clarity on the unique role and responsibility of the chair? Not sure how to increase your ability to effectively lead and manage the meetings?
Then this short series is for you!

Success Principles of
Great Boards
Do your board members lack engagement? Are they confused about their role?
This online training program is chock full of proven and valuable tips and tools that explain success principles and prepare your board to lead more effectively.

Legal Duties of
Non-Profit Directors
Do you want to develop a better understanding of your legal duties, roles, and responsibilities as a board director? This workshop geared toward both new and seasoned directors is designed to increase your knowledge and effectiveness as a non-profit director.

Financing the Innovation Process:
A Community Futures Perspective
Want to increase your knowledge and confidence in the coaching and financing of the innovation process? Take the first step on your journey through this series of informative and engaging lessons.
What Members Are Saying:
"Following the delivery of the 1-day Board Governance Leadership workshop, I received great feedback from all board members. They found the content very helpful in understanding their role. They are more confident in participating in the conversations and they better understand the board package content and the policies needed." - Board Chair

The Executive Director Performance Appraisal
A key role of any board is assessing the performance of the Executive Director. This online training program introduces you to the performance appraisal process and provides helpful advice for avoiding common mistakes.

Chairing a Teleconference Meeting
Teleconferencing and web meetings are more common than ever before, but they’re often less effective than in-person sessions. This online course offers helpful tips on how to connect in a virtual world so your conference meetings run smoothly.

The Mechanics of Non-Profit Financial Statements
Do your board members know how to read and interpret the financial statements of your non-profit organization? This 40-minute online program gives your board the tools they need to navigate key financial information with confidence.
What Members Are Saying:
"I trusted Jon's knowledge because he backed up his content with real life examples. I thoroughly enjoyed that part! Though the material is delivered at a quick pace, we were provided with ample opportunity to question and share. I'm sure I will refer to the resources on a regular basis." - Carmen J.

Governing Your Greatest Asset
The Loan Fund Video Series
Is your board lacking experience when it comes to managing your loan fund? Perhaps you want to build confidence as a developmental lender. This online course is designed to help your board understand its role in governing your loan portfolio and perform this role effectively.

Governing Your Greatest Asset
The Loan Fund Coaching Series
Does your board lack experience when it comes to managing your loan fund? Perhaps you want to build confidence as a developmental lender. This coaching series is designed to help your board understand its role in governing your loan portfolio and perform this role effectively.
Board Governance Insider
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